Current things

Status of Project updated 2/13/2025:
Building: The layout is finalized; foundation design on the structure has begun. Looking to submit to the state for a foundation permit in April. Contracts have been awarded for the building, HVAC, AVL, and sprinkler system.

Site: The site design is complete. Due to the lack of a sewer permit from the city, we have designed a septic system. That has been submitted to the state, and we are awaiting their approval. Once that is complete, we will give that to the county to finalize an overall site permit, which will allow us to break ground. Contract has been awarded for the site work.

Action Items for the Church:
God has been working through all of this in His own way and timing, and we continue to see His hand in this.
1. Pray that the church body stays united in this effort and to align with God's desire to grow His kingdom in the community around us. Acts 5:39
2. Pray that God's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10
3. Pray for the building team, the finance team, the elders, and the church staff to lead humbly and serve God faithfully. Philippians 2:1-5; 2 Timothy 2
4. Pray about your own effort for the building project. There will be a large effort needed for volunteer work during the construction phase, and we must prepare our hearts for the service ahead. Matthew 9:37-38; Nehemiah 3

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